Recommended Application

As a mulch
Spread a generous 5cm layer of Mushroom Farm Compost around shrubs, seedlings and vegetables.
As a soil conditioner
For the best results as a soil conditioner, spread a 5cm layer of the Mushroom Farm Compost over the desired area and work it well into the top 15cm of the soil. If you have sandy or clay soils then dig in 10cm of compost for maximum benefit.
As a potting mix additive
Mushroom Farm Compost can be safely used as a potting mix additive, just add approximately 15% of Mushroom Farm Compost to the total potting mixture and mix in well.
In your garden
Mushroom Farm Compost has a pH ranging from 6.7 to 7.2. If you have acid loving plants that require a pH less than 6.7, for example, camellias or azaleas, dig the compost in about half a metre away from the plant to ensure that it benefits from the compost without being harmed.
The concentration of soluble plant nutrients in Mushroom Farm Compost is such that the maximum rate of application on one occasion as a mulch or for digging in 5cm or less should be no more than 2.5 litres per square meter for sensitive plants and no more than 10 litres per square meter for tolerant plants. For digging in to a depth of at least 10cm the above amount can be doubled. Repeat applications may be made after several weeks.